Add New User User Submitting Request Name * E-Mail * Company * New Employee Information First Name * Last Name * Job Title * Personal E-Mail (for temp password) * Mobile Number (for verification) Is this user replacing another user? * —Please choose an option—YesNo Former User Information What is the email address of the previous user? * Is user's data to be deleted or assigned to another user or users? * —Please choose an option—Delete User DataAssign to user(s) Who should old account be assigned to? (List email addresses to be assigned.) * Services Needed What services does user need setup? * Office 365PBX ExtensionFax User Office 365: Requested Email Address * Office 365: What Shared Inboxes does user need access to? (Type None if not needed) * Office 365: What shared groups does user need access to? (Type None if not needed) * PBX: Requested Extension Number * PBX: What queues should user be assigned to? * Fax: Should user receive faxes in email? If so, which fax number will they receive faxes from? * Fax: Should user be able to send faxes via email? If so, which fax number will they send faxes from? *